Friday 27 February 2009

One if four have lied at interview

Recruiter magazine reveals in their weekly update a startling statistic:

Around a quarter of British workers have lied at interview, according to a Monster poll.
According to the poll, 28% of workers admitted lying in a job interview, with a further 14% stretching the truth in the hope of appearing better qualified for a job. However, most people have remained honest, with 58% of those surveyed claiming that they have never lied or been economical with the truth to secure a job.
Julian Acquari, managing director at Monster UK and Ireland, says: “Today’s tough job market understandably heightens the temptation for jobseekers to lie in interviews. Competition is fierce and we are aware of the increased need to stand out.
“However, there is a fine line between embellishing facts about yourself and telling lies. It is never advisable to bend the truth under any circumstances as it is likely to catch up with you. At the end of the day honesty is always the best policy.”

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